Friday, November 18, 2011

Dan Rather Comes to SHSU

Studio C of Sam Houston is complete! The first all LED University studio!

Dan Rather graced us with his presence in late September. Richard Lacy, Scott Jones, Craig Loper, and myself (Mitchell Loper) worked on getting the lighting and studios just right for Mr. Rather coming to visit his Alma Mater.
We all had the privilege of filming a “no holds barred” Q&A with about 100 MASSCOM students and Mr. Rather. This was an incredibly insightful event with Mr. Rather as he talked about his 56-year career in radio, newspapers, television and now the Internet. I have always had great respect for Dan Rather and now more than ever.
Much was discussed in the Q&A, but what I really got out of it was: work hard, and do what you love, reaffirming what I truly believe in, which is a creed we at Keena & Company do not take lightly!

Here is a shot BTS clip of Mr. Rather in Studio C.